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- D E L U X E
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- v2.0 Made by Edgar M. Vigdal Recoded By C Kinghorn.
- -------------------
- Shareware is a way of getting good software in a cheap way.
- You get hold of the software for almost nothing, and can test it
- for a while before deciding if you want to pay the programmer
- for his/her hard work. And remember that if you don't pay and
- nobody else do pay than it's pretty sure that the programmer
- will NOT make any more shareware software. And that will in the
- end lead to no public-domain software for your machine.
- So, please pay the author of the software.
- NOTE! This program is in fact shareware!
- ------------------------------------
- If you use this software and you like it, than I (Edgar M. Vigdal)
- would be eternal grateful to you, if you send me 10 US Dollar,
- £5, 50 NOK or any amount you like, as payment for the game.
- If you would like 1 year of free update (at least 2 update (If I
- get any bug rapport, or suggestions for improvement)), than send
- me $20, £15 or 150 NOK.
- If you also want the latest version of Deluxe PacMan, than
- add $5, £5 or 50 NOK.
- If you become a registered user and send me a disk, I will send
- you a super version with more levels, more sound effects, speech
- and other improvements. (maybe an AGA version?!) With an internal
- greeting list of the 20 greatest fans/supporters. (Limited fame!!)
- **PLEASE**
- Send me a disk for the replay, as I can not afford the disks!
- This is my address...
- Edgar M. Vigdal
- NORWAY (I do not like whale hunting!)
- (But than again, I don't like
- bull fights either!)
- Or you may use my bank account....
- 3785.10.05774 Luster SpareBank
- 5830 Luster
- Or you may use my PostGiro account...
- 0826.0658124
- The following methods are accepted when paying.
- -----------------------------------------------
- - Cash: Preferably by registered mail.
- - International Postal Money Order: Send an International P.M.O
- in NOK (other currencies are not accepted).
- Contact your post office for further information. Please note
- that Canadian / US Postal Money Orders are *not* accepted.
- These are worthless in Europe.
- - EuroCheques: Send a EuroCheque written out in Norwegian kroner.
- (other currencies are not accepted). Make the cheque payable to
- Edgar M. Vigdal.
- - PostGiro: Transfer NOK to the PostGiro account 0826.0658124.
- Please make sure that your full name, address, postal code, city
- and country is included. If you have an Internet email address,
- please include that one too, as I will soon be on the internet.
- To those that support my hard work, I send my warmest regards to!!
- NOTE! Please check that the address listed above is the same
- as the one in the game !
- NOTE! If you send a disk you may put some stuff on it.
- Demos, games, utilities or music modules.
- NOTE! To all of those that send my the fee for Deluxe
- PacMan, I _WILL_ send you the update!!!
- NOTE! If you have bought this game from any public-domain firms
- you have NOT paid me anything, you have only supported
- some 'thieves' who are earning lots of money on other
- peoples hard work!! If you want to support the
- programmers, then subscribe for the Fred Fish disks and
- send the shareware fee to the peoples that should have
- had it in the first place.
- -------------
- If you want to use this game on your coverdisk or you are
- reviewing the game, then please send me a copy of the magazine.
- -------------
- Deluxe Galaga is based on the game StarBattle on the old VIC20.
- That was one excellent game, that I had a lot of fun with.
- It's also some features from the games Galaga and Galaxions.
- I played Galaga on an arcade machine, but it was so long ago that
- I have forgotten how it looked like.
- My version of Galaga (or StarBattle) is a simple (?) shoot'em up
- game with good game play, but not so much fancy graphics. Many of
- todays game have lots and lots of graphics, but when it comes to
- game play they really sucks. They have manuals covering hundreds
- of pages, and you need hours and days to get into the game. What
- I want from a game is some relaxation for a couple of minutes, and
- then be able to quit the game and do some more work. And not to
- mark the calender for when I want to play the 30MB hi-tech game!
- You are in control of a small starfighter, and your mission is
- to protect the earth from alien attackers. When you start, your
- ship have limited supply of bullets and are moving a bit to slow,
- but by shooting the aliens you can collect the falling bonuses and
- get all sorts of weapons, extra speed and a lot of other goodies!
- There are double shoot, triple shoot, super weapon, extra life,
- smart bombs, money, warps, secret bonus level and much more.
- Look out for mother ships, rockets, warp malfunctions,
- super guardians and Super Cash Ship!
- There is also a lot of secrets in the game, you can find this
- secrets yourself, or you can buy them in space-shop.
- The space-shop will appear every fourth level, but you must
- have more than 50 credits to enter the shop. There are more than
- 10 secrets hidden in the game.
- The game screen....
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Show if music or
- | SFX are selected
- Red for player1, blue for pl2 | for the 4 channels.
- Show how many| __________________________________ |
- ships you | | 00000000 | |
- have. |-»|Ships mmmm|«-' | Show what kind of
- | x5|«---' multiplay you have.
- When EXTRA is|-»|E 250|«--.
- spelled, you | |X | | Show the amount of
- will get an | |T | | cash you have.
- extra ship! | |R |
- |A Meteor-|
- | Meter|«--. Show how much there
- If you have |-»|Rank | | are left of the
- six marks,you| |marks | | meteor-storm.
- will be pro- | | |
- moted to a | | |
- new rank. | | |
- | |
- | |/\| «-------------|--| Your ship!
- | ==== | | If it's flashing
- |__________________________________| | you have the shield.
- -------------------
- o DISK
- Start your machine with workbench, than insert the Deluxe Galaga
- game disk in one of the diskdrives, and open up the disk by
- double clicking on the disk icon. Than open up the Deluxe Galaga
- directory by double clicking on the directory icon. You than
- start the game by double clicking the Galaga game icon.
- If you want to make a bootable game disk than format and install
- a disk. Than make a 's' directory on the disk...
- Makedir DF0:s [RETURN]
- Copy all of the Deluxe Galaga files on to the disk. Or just copy
- the Deluxe_Galaga directory over to the empty disk.
- Copy the 'CD' command on to the disk.
- Make a startup-sequence in the 's' directory like this...
- CD Deluxe_Galaga ;If Deluxe_Galaga is the games directory!.
- ;If you don't use a Deluxe_Galaga directory
- ;you must use a 'CD DF0:' to get the game
- ;to start!!.)
- (Add44K) ;Include this line if you run out of memory!
- Galaga
- Reboot with the disk and test if it works!!
- Copy the Deluxe Galaga directory to the desired directory on
- your harddisk, by dragging the directory icon from the
- Deluxe Galaga game disk to the selected harddisk directory.
- To start the game just double click on the Galaga game icon.
- You should select the 'SAVE ON EXIT' option, if you are playing
- the game from a harddisk, and end the game by pressing the
- 'ESC' key. Read more about the options below.
- When you start the game for the first time, a preferences screen
- will appear. On this screen you can select what chips your
- Amiga have, the video system and how to save the hiscore list.
- _____________ ___________________
- | | | |
- | 68000 | | |
- |_____________| | |
- ________________ _____________ | |
- | | | | | |
- | PAL (50Hz) | | 68020 | | O K |
- |________________| |_____________| | |
- ________________ _____________ | |
- | | | | | |
- | SAVE ON EXIT | | 68030/40 | | |
- |________________| |_____________| |___________________|
- This are the gadgets that will appear on the preferences window.
- ________________
- | | This gadget will switch between PAL
- | PAL (50Hz) | and NTSC video system. (Only on ECS Amigas!)
- |________________| I hope this will work!
- If this option don't work you may try the 'hertz' program, that
- should be in the Deluxe_Galaga directory. This little utilitie
- will try to toggle the video system between PAL (50Hz) and
- NTSC (60Hz). You must start this utilitie from SHELL, like this..
- Hertz <n> ;Where n is either 0 or 1
- For this to work you must have an RGB or Multisync monitor!!
- Or use the composite signal!?!
- ________________
- | | This gadget will switch between
- |________________| the hiscore saving option.
- _____________
- | | This gadget will select the
- | 68000 | MC68000 processor mode. Used in A500/A600.
- |_____________|
- _____________
- | | This gadget will select the
- | 68020 | MC68020 processor mode. Used in the A1200.
- |_____________|
- _____________
- | | This gadget will select the
- | 68030/40 | MC68030/MC68040 processor mode.
- |_____________| Used in A3000, A4000/030 and A4000/40
- The 'OK' button will save the preferences and start the game.
- The 'PAL', 'NTSC' options is for those Amigas that have the
- fat Agnus chip (the chip with the video system switch), this
- option have no function on older Agnus chips. The 'PAL' option
- is for those living in Europa or other countries that uses the
- PAL video system. The 'NTSC' option is for those living in the
- U.S.A., Japan or other countries that uses the NTSC system.
- If you are playing the game from harddisk, you may select the
- 'SAVE ON EXIT' option, this will save the hiscore list when
- you quit the game with the 'ESC' key. You can also use this
- option if you have any problems with the 'SAVE IN GAME' option.
- If you use the 'SAVE ON EXIT' option you must use the 'ESC' key
- to save the hiscore, if you reset the machine (CTRL,AMIGA,AMIGA)
- the hiscore will be lost! The 'SAVE IN GAME' will save the
- hiscore each time the hiscore list is updated with a new hiscore
- entry.
- You may also select the kind of main processor your Amiga is
- using.
- 68000 If you got a standard Amiga (A500,A600,A1000 or A2000)
- 68020 If you got a A1200 or any 68020 accelerator.
- 68030/40 If you got a A3000, A4000/30, A4000/40 or any 68030/
- 68040 accelerator.
- If you don't select any of the processor options, the program
- will automatically select the right kind of processor.
- If you have a faster processor, the game will have more objects
- on the screen, bigger explosions, more bullets, more bonuses,
- more background stars and........
- You may also force the program into using more objects, by
- choosing a faster processor than the one you have. This may
- slow down the game when a lot of objects is on the screen at
- once, and the graphics may begin to flicker.
- The preferences that you have selected will be saved for
- later use. If you want to change the preferences you most
- hold down the fire button on the joystick (Port 2)(NO auto fire)
- when the game is loading.
- Or you can delete the GALAGA.PREFERENCES file in the S:
- directory of your boot disk.
- NOTE! This game will NOT work on any 24bit graphics card.
- If Commodore had made a machine with a fast enough
- processor to use system functions in games, it would
- have worked, but didn't and they never will!
- Sorry !!!
- Amiga is the best home computer in the world, it's
- just to bad that Commodore got hold of it !!!!
- -----------------------
- ESC Stops the game in play, and quits the game if you are
- on any of the menu pages.
- F1 Selects 1 player mode.
- F2 Selects 2 players mode.
- 1 Selects beginner mode. (4 bullets, more speed)
- 2 Selects normal mode. (2 bullets, normal speed)
- 3 Selects hard mode.
- P Pauses the game, and starts the game again.
- You may also start the game again by using the fire button.
- E Selects sound effects or music.
- F5 Print out the hiscore-list. The boot-disk must contain
- the printer driver, parallel.device and the port-handler.
- F6-F9 Toggle the 4 sound channels between music and SFX.
- F10 Selects the next music module.
- * Mute. Toggles volume between max(64) and min (0).
- +, - Adjusts the music volume.
- J Joins two hiscore lists together. If a friend of you
- have the game you can use this function to make a
- new hiscore list with the best hiscores on. The new
- hiscore lists will contain only the best hiscores.
- You control the game with a joystick in port 2.
- BUTTON = Shoots at the aliens.
- LEFT = Moves the ship to the left.
- RIGHT = moves the ship to the right.
- ---------------
- If you get sick and tired of the music you can change it with
- one of your own favorite protracker modules. You do this by
- changing the name of the original music or delete it.
- Example
- rename GALAGA.MUSIC as GALAGA.MUSIC.reserve
- And then you copy your module over to the Deluxe Galaga directory
- and rename it as 'GALAGA.MUSIC'
- Example
- You may also change the jingles (this are small tunes that are
- played at special occasions), as they are also protracker
- modules.
- NOTE! The modules that you want to use must be compatible
- with ProTracker 1.1b. If you test your selected
- module and it's not played back correctly, then it's
- most probably not compatible.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You may now have many different music modules, and have one
- random module selected and loaded.
- First copy all of your favorite ProTracker modules to the
- Deluxe Galaga directory. Then you must rename them to...
- GALAGA.MUSIC0 (The number at the end of the name -
- GALAGA.MUSIC1 starts on 0 and goes up to as -
- GALAGA.MUSIC2 many modules you have copied.)
- . (Max is 9!! (0..9))
- .
- .
- GALAGA.MUSICN (n is the number of modules)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You may now have a file containing a list of your favorite
- ProTracker modules. The file must be named 'GALAGA.MODULES'!
- Example file.....
- Music:PT/Modules/mod.HideawayBlues
- Music:PT/Modules/mod.DontYouWantMe
- Music:PT/Modules/mod.FeelTheBase2
- Music:PT/Modules/mod.Guitarslinger
- *** Add a dummy line at the end ***
- When the game starts it will load as many of modules as the
- memory allows.
- o SFX
- If you have more than 512K of memory and you get sick of the
- sound effects, then you may try the small sound effects.
- Example
- rename GALAGA.SFX as GALAGA.SFX_reserve
- The game will now use the 'GALAGA.SFX_SMALL' as sound effects.
- o 512K MEMORY
- If you only have 512K of memory, then you may have to use the
- program 'Add44K', to get a little bit more free memory. The
- music will not be used and the small sound effects will be used.
- The game must have approx. 453 K of free memory to start.
- (I have managed to get it started with only 436K free chipmem!)
- Remember to disconnect any extra diskdrives, to get some more
- free memory.
- o HISCORE PRINTING (New for version 1.9)
- When you press F5 on the menu screen, you will enter the print
- hiscore function. For this function to work, the boot-disk (DHX
- or diskette) must contain the following files...
- DEVS: Parallel.device
- printers/<printer driver for your printer>
- L: port-handler
- The printed hiscore-list will list the following info...
- #, Name, Score, Rank, Shoots, Hits, %, Game Time
- and will print for easy, normal, hard and meteor-storm.
- --------------------
- The next game in the Deluxe series, will probably be Deluxe
- Donkey Kong. I actually started on this game after I had
- finished Deluxe PacMan. But then I got another public-domain
- version of Donkey Kong, that looked almost like the version
- that I had on my old C64, and that look almost like the one I
- had in mind. After I released Deluxe PacMan many have written
- to me and asked my to make a version of Donkey Kong, so now
- I am going do that. A super duper version of Donkey Kong.
- If you have any tips for Deluxe Donkey Kong then send them
- to me. (graphics, maps, sounds or ideas)
- But when I am finished with Donkey Kong I would really want
- to make a version of JumpMan, one of my all time favorites!
- If you have any suggestions for improvements or if you have
- found any bugs then lett my know.
- Good luck and have a lot of fun !!!! PEACE !!!!
- Life sucks !! - Al Bundy
- Where's that damn hamburger - Kelly Bundy
- Sorry for all the spelling errors and bad syntax!!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- v1.0 First version of Deluxe Galaga 20/10/93
- v1.2 Added 'Hurry Up!!', and fixed
- a possible trouble spot.
- Fixed some routines in 2-player mode.
- Added exploding rubbish to small aliens 27/12/93
- v1.3 Speeded up some routines.
- Added the Warp Malfunction routine.
- Changed the music routine with the
- prorunner routine (very fast!)
- Fixed the ProRunner routine, so it would
- not GURU on machines with the interrupt
- vectors moved to fast RAM.
- Added the volume adjust routine.
- Added the random music loader routine. 14/01/94
- v1.4 Speeded up even more routines.
- Channel shearing between music and sfx.
- Faster vector, Random and BOB routines.
- Test for HIRES SPRITE and DBLPAL screen. 17/02/94
- v1.5 Fixed the BOOM when the rocket dies.
- Set the interrupt handler priority
- a bit higher.
- Same random in the meteor-storm mode.
- Fixed a bug in the 'save hiscore in game'
- routine.
- Shows the rank mark, when new rank. 25/02/94
- v1.6 Removed the AGA/ECS gadget as it had
- no function anymore. 27/02/94
- v1.7B Switched from AsmOne to DevPac 3.04.
- (The DevPac is a bit slower, but the sources
- gets a bit cleaner?!)
- Speeded up the movements of the players ship.
- Now uses TCPA (Time Coded Pointer Array) to
- check for alien hits (No big loops, and no
- clearing of a hash array each frame!)
- Speeded up the program even more, using a
- global variable pointer.
- The switching of HiRes sprites to LoRes is
- tested and it is now working 20/03/94
- v1.8 Found one nasty bug. After the bug was
- removed my machine has not guru'ed once!!
- (It's stayed on for almost a month)
- Added a credit meter and some other info.
- Fixed some other small 'faults'. 04/04/94
- v1.9 Fixed a bug in the show-secret function.
- Added two new weapons and the Cash-Ship.
- Added the print hiscore function.
- Made the game work on only 512Kb memory.
- Changed the PAL-NTSC switch to bit 5 in
- $DFF1DC.w 25/04/94
- v2.0 Fixed Bugs in module sercher and plasma
- Added game secrets to text and taken echos off
- After killing big ships coin ship has more green coins
- fireball weaopn has been modified and warp fail's
- eased. 16/05/94
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Technical info.
- 568395 bytes of source code, 22822 lines of assembler code.
- Assembler time : 38.13 seconds on a 7.14 MHZ 68000 A2000
- 241920 bytes of raw graphics.
- Over 400 frames of animations.
- Over 90 sprites on screen at once (68030)
- Over 185 BOB'S on screen at once (68030)
- 78 sound effects, 4 jingles, 1 music pieces.
- If you are interested in making your own games or assembler programming
- then you can buy the whole source code and development tools for
- only $75, £50 or 500 NOK
- You will then receive the following...
- Source code (assembler, with comments)
- Data files (graphics, animations, sound effects)
- Level Creator (make new levels for Deluxe Galaga)
- SFX Creator (Synthetic and sample sound effects creator)
- Converter 5.0 (Graphics convertor and cruncher)
- You will also receive all the source code for all the tools.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------